What is a root canal treatment?

When a cavity is large and extends into the inner part of the tooth containing the nerves, your dentist may recommend a root canal treatment (referred to as endodontic treatment). The root canal is then cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection.

Why might I need a root canal treatment?

We might suggest a root canal treatment:

  • If the innermost soft tissues of a tooth are infected or inflamed.
  • If a tooth has prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold.
  • If there is an abscess at the base of the root canal.
  • To save a tooth that would otherwise need extraction.

The aim of the treatment is to remove dead or inflamed tissue from the nerve canals and to fill this space so bacteria cannot colonise it, causing ongoing infection. The nerve chamber of the tooth is opened and the channels in the roots cleaned and shaped to allow disinfection and filling to the root tips.

Having a root canal treatment can save a tooth that would otherwise have been extracted. After root canal treatment the tooth has no vital tissues within, however the vital tissues surrounding the root are preserved. A tooth given this treatment can function normally and can be maintained with routine dental care and oral hygiene measures.

For more information call us now on 07 3376 1065.

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